Monday, August 25, 2008

Beautiful Girl, You Are Loved

Hey there and welcome! This is the first post of my new blog, Beautiful Girl. This blog was created as a place of encouragement for teen girls. When you visit, it is my sincere prayer that you will be inspired, encouraged, empowered, and filled with confidence to live your life with purpose, for Jesus.

I'm not a teen girl. I'm much older. Because of that you may think that this blog is not for you. Hold it! I was once a teen. I look back on my teen years with mixed emotions....I was confused by the circumstances of my life. I was a girl who was allowing the events of my childhood to take hold of me and therefore I lived with secret fear, shame, and worthlessness. I didn't want anyone to know that though, so I covered it up. And covered it well, most of the time. My grades were near perfect. I was involved in lots of activities. I made awesome friends.

I also made some horrendous mistakes. I didn't follow God's ways, I tried to do it all my way. If you read the devotion on the Radical Revolution site, you already know that. It didn't have to be that way.

I have children: 3 boys (2 are teens) and 1 girl (she's 7). They are my inspiration for this blog. I know how hard it is to grow up today. I know what it feels like to want to be beautiful. I also know how to be beautiful and it has nothing to do with your physical appearance. If you haven't read the devotion from today, go check it out now: .

You can search for love in many places. A few of them may feel real good ... for a while. But unless that love comes from God, then it can be lost and is only temporary. Don't be like me and give into the lie that you can earn love or take off your clothes for love. Don't give into the lie that because of your past you are worthless and done. Don't give into the lie that anything you've done determines your true identity. You are not what you've done. You are who God made you. You are a child of God. You are royalty. You are so important. You have purpose. You are not supposed to live in shame, blame, regret, or fear. You are loved.

A few things you will find here:

1. Acceptance. It doesn't matter how others feel about you, God loves you just for you. You don't have to do anything to be accepted by Him. Well, here you are accepted too. Just as you are.

2. Information. I hope to bring you some awesome and fun facts. About all sorts of things. Life, boys, fitness, music, fashion, food, school, friendship, and family. I also hope you'll share information here too!

3. The Bible. This is the greatest Book of all. Everything you need you will find here, but sometimes it seems overwhelming or even boring. It may seem outdated or a book for preachers, parents, teachers, or older people, but the Bible is the best guide for your life, no matter what stage of life you are in. I know it's hard to follow everything in the Bible. That's okay. The Bible is the manual for this blog.

4. Themes. I love themes. There will be 4 posts per week:

Marvelous Monday- something of value will be posted

Workout Wednesday- fitness and health related

Thirsty Thursday- what you can't live without

Fun Friday- light and fun

5. Real. No masks here. There's no need for them. I will be open and honest and I hope you will be too. Nothing is off limits! You can ask anything and I may even post about certain subjects that will shock you!

I hope you like the blog. If you have comments or suggestions, let me know!!! Email me anytime at: I value your input, good and bad! I want this to be a blog that encourages and helps. I hope it is.

Let me hear from you please! What are you looking for? What do you need? What questions do you have? What are you interested in? Tell me and I'll do my best to find it!

Thanks for tuning in today! Bless your heart:)




Joyful said...

Melissa, as you know I'm far from a teen girl ;o), but I just wanted to drop by this morning and pray a blessing for this new endeavor.

Heavenly Father, I thank You and praise You for guiding Melissa to start this ministry to teen girls. Father, I pray that each girl who visits here will be encouraged and know Your love. I pray that hearts will be surrendered to You. I pray that Melissa will always spend time with You, seeking Your words and thoughts as she shares and teaches and helps mold the minds of seeking teens. I pray Lord, that this will be a safe place for young girls to share what is on their hearts. There are many concerns and questions, many unknowns. May the young girls who visit this site, know it is not a "Dear Melissa" advice column, but a place of prayer and love and God's guidance. Father strengthen Melissa in this ministry. Use her. Thank You for all You have written into her life that she can share with others. I pray You will continue to write into her life God-stories that will draw young lives to follow You more closely and thirst after Your truth. Thank You for her willingness to be open and real and transparent. Thank You for touching her life and calling her to serve You in this way. Father I pray that You will bless Melissa and keep her; that You will make Your face shine upon her and be gracious to her; that You will turn Your face toward her and give her peace. Numbers 6:24-26.

Hugs my sweet friend,

LeAnn said...


YOU are a beautiful girl!

As always, I am blown away by your incredible heart for others. God is doing amazing things through you and I can't wait to see what comes next!

Love You,

Anonymous said...

This is going to be great! Thank you for allowing God to use you in such an incredible way.I am certain that many young lives will be touched. What great timing for a new blog with the start of a new school year. I will be praying for your strength and the direction of this blog.
Sweet Blessings.

Anonymous said...

First of all thank you for creating this blog for teens.I feel that it is a great opportunity for me to learn more about God and have more confidence in myself in many ways.I look forward to reading more of your blogs!

Anonymous said...

I've had 5 girls go through their teen years - wonderful but challenging times. I so loved our shopping expeditions - so did the girls. Now they're in their 20s they still do - but not always with me. Sometimes they just plan to go out together which so totally warms my and their father's hearts.

Bless you for this venture.

Kristen said...


I'm so excited about this blog and can't wait to read it! You're awesome!

Love ya,