Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Workout Wednesday

Did you get some exercise today? Well, I did! And I say that with great joy in my voice!

I haven't exercised much lately due to an injury. Today was the first day I've felt well enough to run. The great thing about running (or walking) is that anyone can do it. No gym membership or equipment required. Just the will to get moving. So, today, I hooked up my iPod to my ears and set out to do something good for myself. I ran/walked 4.5 miles. I was red-faced, sweaty, and stinky when I returned home, but I felf amazing inside. I felt successful and beautiful.

If you can get out, do it. Just 20 minutes a day will make a major difference. Just do something. You body will thank you. Your mind will thank you.

Get out and move beautiful girl! You are a true beauty!



Thursday, September 4, 2008

How are you beautiful girl?

How are the beautiful girls of the world doing today? I hope you are happy, loving life, making good choices, spending some great time with friends and family, and keeping up with your schoolwork. You have a lot to do don't you? I know with your family obligations, school, work, after school activities, plus making time for a social life, you are busy. I hope you are able to balance it all and still enjoy your life. God made you and He wants you to love life. You have a purpose. You are so beautiful.

So, let me ask you? How do you feel? Do you feel special and important? If not, what is keeping you from feeling that way? Who do you listen to the most to determine how you feel? Your parents? Your friends? Hollywood? God? I really want to hear from you.

Before I close, I have to confess and apologize. I confess that I have not kept up this blog how I'd hoped and wanted. I haven't gotten a post up in almost a week. I have been so busy with work and family that I haven't been able to write. I'm sorry. I will try to get better. At this point I don't think I have a lot of visitors here, but I don't want to lose the ones I have because I'm not posting! Thank you for your patience!
